Data explorer
Monthly workforce

Filter by Sector
Filter by Designation

About this chart

This chart lets you compare monthly workforce counts by:

  • designation for one or all sectors
  • business activity (ANZSIC06 category) for a sector and designation (but not all sectors).

Useful features

  • Show exact numbers by holding the mouse over the chart.
  • Narrow or widen date range using the handles at the bottom of the chart.
  • Hide or show a series by clicking its name in the legend below the chart.
  • View full screen or download in different formats using the 'hamburger' menu top right.


  • We exclude designations with estimated counts – 'relevant' and 'other'.
  • 'Combined total' shows numbers of unique people rather than a sum. One person can work for more than one sector and designation.
  • The scale may not begin at zero because charts auto-fit the data.
  • Past year numbers can change as: (1) the IDI extracts are on an "as at" point in time basis, so data refreshes will re-read in any backdated data updates submitted by data providers; and (2) every data refresh involves re-extracting all the past years which are then subjected to Stats NZ's random rounding rules.