Data explorer
Age Distribution

Filter by Sector
Filter by Designation
Filter by Gender
Employment Type
Filter by Employment Type

About this chart

  • This chart shows the age distribution of a selected cohort (using the additional filters of gender and/or employment type) by sector and designation.
  • The green boxed area of the whisker plot graph covers the 25th to 75th percentile age ranges.
  • To further highlight the age range within a selected cohort the upper and lower whiskers represent the 90th and 10th percentiles respectively.
  • The average age is displayed within the green boxed area using a diamond shaped icon
  • The median age is displayed as a horizontal line halfway inside the green boxed area.
  • We exclude designations with estimated counts – 'relevant' and 'other'.
  • Scale may not begin at zero because charts auto-fit to the data.
  • Show exact numbers by holding the mouse over the chart.
  • Reduce the number of years displayed by selecting the "5y" tab on the upper lefthand side of the chart to just see a 5 year horizon.
  • View full screen or download in different formats using the 'hamburger' menu top right.


Past year numbers can change as:

  1. the IDI extracts are on an "as at" point in time basis, so data refreshes will re-read in any backdated data updates submitted by data providers; and
  2. every data refresh involves re-extracting all the past years which are then subjected to Stats NZ's random rounding rules.